Author: Meena Kumar

Friday, August 17, 2012


Poori or Puri is an unleavened bread made using whole wheat.It is made for breakfast in most homes all through out India...
except mine ...until recently.Ask me why?The answer is its fried .Yes...It is deep fried in oil .I must say I have been depriving myself from the pleasure of having crispy fried excellence.You might think what's so good about it.... Commooonnn...crispy ..should I tell you what it is like to be served something that you get to pop and bite into.

The puri puffing into almost a round ball itself gave me so much happiness.Puri in Sanskrit means now I understand where the name came from..

My tusker is fond of puri so I thought of giving it a shot .I have seen puri being made in umpteen number of homes so I just followed some instructions from all those.The method of making puri is really easy.I would say much easier than chapathi as there is no dusting of flour involved.

I have jotted down all the points i can think of to make it a fail proof recipe so don't get discouraged seeing the length of it.
It is as easy as drinking a glass of water:)

Ingredients( for making around 20)

Whole wheat flour-2 to 3 cups(atta)
oil- 2-3 cups for deep frying
water-around 1 cup
salt to taste


1.Mix flour ,oil and salt well then add water and knead into a not so soft dough.Add water little by little .Add more flour if the dough is not firm.Once kneaded well make it into a round and give the dough one thin coat of oil all around so it does not form a crust.
2.Set aside the dough  covered with a lid for 20 minutes .

3.Take a small round (size of a small lime ,roll it in the palms of your hand to shape it ).Press it flat with a rolling pin and roll it into a flat round smaller than  may be the size of your palm.It should not be too thick as inside will not cook and too thin will crumble off.Remember no flour dusting .If the flour sticks to the counter while rolling apply a drop of oil.
4. Heat oil in a heavy bottom pan .Oil should be filled to about 2/3 of the pan.The oil should not be too hot as the inside of puri does not cook and outside gets burnt and low heat lets the puri absorb more oil.So work on medium heat.
5.Flatten only a few puris at a time as they dry out fast and will not puff up.

6.Gently glide the puri from one corner of the pan only and never abruptly drop it into oil as there is great risk of oil splashing out.Do I need to say then what happens...
7.The puri will rest at the bottom of the pan for few seconds then it will rise to the top .When it rises very gently press it down back to oil with a slotted spoon.Once the bottom is done turn and cook the other side too.Both sides should look golden brown.

8.Serve immediately or put it in a hot case or else they become limpy.

Serve with channa masala or potato curry,Kurma etc...yaa yaa...I will post all this sooon..


When you roll out the puri don't dust with flour as it will blacken the oil and inturn settle on the puriInstead use few drops of oil so that it is rolled out without sticking.

Once the puri becomes cool after frying it will have no puffing.

Puris can be rolled out in advance but make sure to cover it with a damp cloth and fry it just as it is ready to be served so u can serve it hot.This is an ideal food for a wet cold day.

You guys,who have read until this line I am sure you won't be Indian (it is such a common food in India !)do let me know if you liked it  ..


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