Author: Meena Kumar

Friday, August 17, 2012

Instant mango pickle

Mangoes... how you remind me of home.Freshly picked raw mangoes.Cut into pieces,head straight to salt bottle,sprinkle on the pieces and then what?? mmmmm..... if u have eaten mangoes like this probably there is enough water in ur mouth to run a boat by now.Right :))
My God!!!We have eaten so much raw mangoes was so much fun..

This pickle can be made in less than 10 mts and used same day but tastes best the next day.


Raw mango from the backyard or store bought also would do:)-1
cut into small pieces with peel.
green chili-1(cut into small pieces)
chili powder-1 tsp
turmeric pd -1 tsp
asafoetida -a pinch
fenugreek powder- a small pinch(dry roasted and powdered)
mustard,curry leaves and 1 whole red chili-for seasoning
coconut oil-2tsp
sesame oil-2 tsp(i use veg oil)


Heat sesame oil and then add mustard ,red chili and curry leaves now add coconut oil let it heat up then put off flame immediately  add the chili pd,turmeric pd when it starts to become brownish put  the mango pieces ,salt ,asafoetida and fenugreek pd,give it a good stir .Remove from stove otherwise mangoes will become mushy.

When it is cool store in a clean dry  bottle.Refridgerate the next day..and you know always put a clean dry spoon.
This pickle goes well with rice.

I hate to tell you that one bottle of pickle lasts max two days. Commmonn...when it is taken along with b'fast, lunch and supper what more should i expect .

Will you let me know if u liked it?

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