Author: Meena Kumar

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Cinnamon cookies / Pie crust cookies / Easy cookies

Cinnamon is a flavor my herd loves so any thing with a hint of it is really welcome anytime. These cookies are so easy to make and ideal for gifting during holidays.

Before going to the recipe I must say blogging is so much of hard work and sometimes really rewarding too...
 Recently Pramitha of Pramitha love cooking  conducted a contest on her blog for cakes and desserts and there were around  50 superb entries and guess what ya I won this beautiful dress material sponsored by Nityasya   in the best dessert category for my entry.

Pramitha  gave a beautiful salwar material as prize to the winners.She even gave a choice of two colors of dress material to pick from.Two days were spent in oscillating  between purple and yellow.As soon as daughty came from school she would start picking my brain with did u decide !!!Both looked really pretty I might have gone with yellow but my girl kept telling me Mom u are a pink/purple person yellow won't suit u so I finally picked the one u see below.Sometimes I feel she knows me better than I know myself. I could see the man of the house looking at the two of us and  muttering under his breath typical women :)) I have not yet seen the material as I got it delivered in India address.Yesterday my MIL called me to say she really liked the color.
So this section is to say a big thank you to Pramitha .Can't wait to go home and get it stitched.
Now over to cookies :))

I find that the pie crust dough is just not for making pies but it has all the ideal ingredients to double as cookies.I have made  Ma'amoul and Sugar Cookies etc earlier and they have all come out well.The other day daughts was searching the kitchen cabinets saying she is starving and cannot find anything she likes so I quickly pulled out the dough from freezer , thawed it in microwave and with in 10 minutes these rosettes were ready.. 5 were gobbled hot hot:))

This is a no fail easiest recipe for cookie on earth if you have stock of pie crust dough. A pack has 2 rolls I have used only one here.Remember they won't puff up like puff pastry but with remain the size of dough.

Ingredients : Yields 15-16 tiny cookies.
Pie crust-1 roll
Sugar - 1 -2 tsp
Cinnamon - 1 stick or cinnamon powder - 1 tsp (see note below)

1.Crush the cinnamon stick with mortar and pestle/ Hammer or large stone :)
2.Heat an empty pan,put the cinnamon in it till just the bit slightly heat up and emit the aroma.Remove and when it is cool make it into a fine powder.
3.Thaw the pie crust dough and spread it on ur work surface mix sugar and cinnamon and spread it evenly.
4.Roll the dough tightly .Cut it with a scissors into pieces,adjust the shape if it is slightly elongated.
5.Seal the end with a drop of water and stick it back so that it does not open while baking.On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper arrange the cookies leaving some gap in between each.
6.Bake at 450° F for 10-12 minutes.I do not turn them in the middle.It needs to be lightest brown .Remove when  done and center of the swirl is cooked and cool off on a wire rack and enjoy.

The Indian variety of cinnamon is pretty strong compared to the ones I get here use this spice with cation.A pinch goes a long way.I have used 1 tsp as the ones I use is very mild.

Hope you like it .



  1. u r daughty selection is perfect,it looks so wonderful.wonderful snack for tea.

  2. Congrats on winning and what a lovely salwar :) oh the cookies look very inviting. I love cinnamon too

  3. Fantastic salwar meena.Cinnamon cookies are my favourite .That too when u eat in cinnabon they give sugar syrup which melts in ur mouth.Lovely!!!

  4. Congrats Meena darling.. And these cookies look just perfect.. So easy to make & quick too.. I guess u didn't have time for an elaborate photoshoot coz of ur daughter's hunger ;) have to try them when I get hands on an oven :)

  5. Congrats. I am loving the suit and its a nice color. Was hoping to see you in it. And the rolls - awesome and that scent of cinnamon is something I can say no to.

  6. Looks very delicious and yummy..

  7. Congrats dear..lovely cookies..perfect tea time thing I have to admit your photography sense its fantastic..

  8. Congrats!!!! Beautiful salwar material...I can feel the cinnamon flavour in it... beautifully clicked too

  9. Firstly Congrats ! well deserved :) I love the & purple is my fav combo too :) and the cookies look real yummy ! I love anything with cinnamon :)

  10. Congrats dear..the material looks really good, nice color selection...And your cookies look awesome :)

  11. Congrats Meena,,, Lovely selection of color dear.. The cinnamon puffs look fantastic and delicious.. I'm sure they'd be gone in a flash :-)

  12. Loved the dish :) You explained it so well :)

  13. Congrats dear... lovely dress material, Cookies look wonderful with awesome clicks :)

  14. Luvly header of the blog..I luv cinnamon roll buns.this one will be perfect for my carving rite now

  15. Congrats on the well deserved win! xx

    What a beautiful recipe, Meena. I'm going to have to try these - I'll probably eat the lot ;-) x

  16. Congrats on ur win Meena.. even cinnamon is our favourite, those cookies are just my favourite..Would love to munch some anytime.

  17. Congrats Meena, you deserve it . the color of salwar suit looks beautiful, These pie cookies are delicious and easy to put together. I love to make them some time.

  18. i love cinnamon flavour n these r just tempting me.beautiful design n congrtas dear...nice idea of giving this kind of materials 4 friends instead of certificates or other else...

  19. really beautiful recipe. would love ti try it.

  20. Congratulations Meena on winning the contest and this lovely dress. These cinnamon cookies look really yummy.

  21. Congrats Meena, your daughty's selection is too good. Perfect tea time snack..mmm

  22. Congrats meena..nice salwar, love the color...cookies looks super good and yummy

  23. wow, so nice, must try sometime

  24. Congratulations Meena. The cinnamon cookies look so very inviting.

  25. You are not there?, I think I commented earlier, not seeing them. Love these cookies .

  26. Congrats Meena and must say the dress material looks beautiful :)...

    With holidays coming up , these cookies go perfect with them.. I can already smell the cinnamon in it....

  27. I always love the swirl of these types of cookies!

  28. Thank you so much Lovely ladies really love reading ur comments.You are thanked from the heart.


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