Author: Meena Kumar

Friday, August 21, 2015

Pisang Rai / Steamed plantain with coconut / Balinese Cuisine

Somebody please tell summer  not to go away leaving me in despair . . .

This beautiful summery sweet plantain dish is from my aunt's recipe set. U know by now how much I love sweet dishes. Having a lightly sweetened and filling dish in the morning is just more than welcome. Anytime I went for vacation to my aunt's place  the breakfast served there was the best  b'cos she never made idlis and forced it on me :))).She used to make a variety of  the most delicious breakfasts ever with these plantains/macho bananas and coconut in different combinations. Thanks to her domestic help from Indonesia. Sadly aunt is no more now.

Indonesians have such delectable plantain dishes Pisang Goreng is the most favorite of mine yes thats pazham pori made with little variation. Did u know they offer banana to God just like us. Its a Hindu majority country obviously. Only difference here in our place is that the filthy rich devotes offer gold to the Lord and ordinary hardworking class offers gold colored banana and plantains to the lord equal to their weight known as thulabharam . :))

Plantain : 1 large
Rice flour - 1 cup
Arrowroot powder or tapioca powder -1/2 cup
Sugar-2 tsp
Coconut grated -2 tbsp( fresh)

Make a thick paste of rice flour, sugar and arrowroot pd adding very little water.
Apply a thick coat all around the plantain put it on a small banana leaf or parchment paper and steam in a idly cooker or steamer.
After 15 minutes switch off flame let it rest for 5 minutes in the steamer remove from steamer then peel of the paper/leaf from the bottom  and roll on coconut grated until it is covered entirely when its still hot so it will stick well.  Cut into one small rounds when slightly cool.
Spread more coconut on the serving plate lay the plantain pieces on it.

Serve Pisang Rai when it is still warm with a hot cup of tea as a breakfast item or as an evening snack.

#ideal vegan dessert.

Traditionally the coated plantain is boiled in a large pot of water with pandan leaves(screw pine) instead of steaming  then rolled in coconut. 

Cooking With Friends: This blog post is part of the monthly “Cooking With Friends” themed blog post challenge. This challenge was started by a bunch of virtual friends united by their love of food, with the aim of tackling a different food related theme each month. If you want to try this month’s theme, please feel free to do so and link your recipe in the comments section. We’d love to check it out. Meanwhile, check out what the others in the group have come up with this month.
Anjana from At the Corner of Happy and Harried, Dolphia from Story of Cooks, Jayasri from The Veg Fare, Jyothi from Curry Trail, Sujatha from Spices and Treats.
Hope u like this vegan dessert.


  1. So elegant and yummy......... love ur snaps too.... :)

  2. So so elegant. Love the set up, such beautiful clicks Meena

  3. Looks so elegant and delicious! Your presentation rocks meena, love the steam plantain and coconut combo

  4. This looks so interesting and beautiful. Love the color and combo!

  5. super presentation and I love everything in the spread...kothipichu,ente do list il add cheythu :)

  6. Looks delicious ! Going to try it very soon! :)

  7. I have bookmarked it and will make it for sure....kanditte kothiyayi.....Love those pics...the yellow and white combo makes such a elegant presentation

  8. Loveable. Made our local version and still drooling over your version.


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