Author: Meena Kumar

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Samosa / No onion- no garlic samosa / Punjabi Samosa

Samosa  is such a popular power packed snack that everyone would have their own story to say, so many friendships made over these teatime potato sacks.

The most popular Indian snack,Samosa like the Baingan Bharta and the Tandoori Chicken was brought to India by the traders through the trade route in the 13th and 14th century from the Middle East. Mince meat, potato, onion, dry fruits, ghee etc were the fillings and samosa was made near campfires and halts.The Royals and nobles enjoyed the minced meat filled ones as mentioned in historical inscriptions.

That's about them but how about u and me ?When was the first time u tasted the most delicious samosas? Mine was never the home made one with onion strings coming out with every bite.

 It was during school days, by the way do you remember how boring school mass P.T used to be ?

We had it on Friday mornings first period, can you imagine howww sweaty the rest of the day would have been! Worse than that was the prep for Sports day in the peak of humid summer. The march-past happened in the stadium close by and it used to be a 10-15 minutes walk from school,that was the test of endurance. I fell ill during that time and got exempted from sports that year. I could not be more happier but all that diminished one morning when my friend sitting next to me opened her book to write. I could get this smell of a tangy chutney from her hands. I asked her what she has been eating and she replied samosa. I was like seriously? u get samosa after Mass P.T! ;))))) ..... .  She was slightly annoyed but covered it up by asking if I wanted. I became curious as to where she got samosa in the morning and later she told me most kids got tired after this rigorous workout in the morning and stopped at this bakery near by. OMG they had the most amazing snacks there and I had no clue the bakery existed. Until the practice was over she regularly brought me a pack and  guess what I used to take to school as return gift ?  Any guesses...

Well, Sardine fryyyy ! She belonged to this pure veg staunch religious family. I knew she liked fish so I used to take sardine or other fish fried in a separate lunch packed in a banana leaf just for her. .... she had no idea how to separate the tiny bones from fish, the next few days were samosa for me how to eat fish for her.
The  tamarind chutney that came along with potato filled pyramid like giant samosas were super delicious. Both of us enjoyed our lunches during those days.Soon I realized inspite of  thorough hand washing with little sample soap seafood for lunch was a bad idea as everything we both used in class quickly got the smell. But she remained devoted to seafood to my surprise. I wonder how she managed at home without being caught now :)))) .

After many years when I joined college I introduced this  no onion no garlic samosa to my friends there and they went gaga over the taste and flavor. They pestered me like witches to bring more :))

After many many years came along this black and white model of mine u see in my pics. I made these samosas for her and decided to document  her expressions....
And that's samosa served with sweet tamarind chutney, green chutney and ketchup............. 

For the dough:
All purpose flour- 2 cups 
Carom seeds / Ajwain- 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Water to mix.
Oil or ghee - 1 tbsp
Knead this into a firm stiff dough (if u make it soft it will absorb lot of oil) by first mixing the oil and flour then gradually add water for a shortbread like crusty flaky crispy samosa. 
Cover with a damp cloth and leave it aside for 15 -20 mts

For the filling:
Potatoes- 2-3 medium sized mashed coarsely
Cumin seeds/jeera -1 tsp
ginger - 1 inch chopped
Chili powder- 1 tsp (use paprika for reduced heat)
Coirander powder -1 tsp
Garam masala - 1/2 tsp
Amchoor/Mango powder - 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Coriander leaves - a small bunch

Cooking oil- for deep frying.

Heat 2-3 tsp cooking oil into it add the cumin seeds when it roasts add ginger saute for a minute then add the potatoes and all the spices given above Mix everything well without mashing too much. Switch off heat when the mixture becomes dry and sprinkle coriander leaves.

Divided the rested dough into equal portions and spread one ball into a medium thin disc(Do not add too much flour to dust it will burn in the oil instead use oil itself so it does not stick ). Do not make thin discs it will crack or break while frying. Cut it into two and make a cone as shown in pic by sealing the edges with a dab of water.
Put the filling until 3/4 th then seal the edges.Slightly bend and make the samosa stand on the plate as shown.
*The trick of getting smooth even colored samosa without blisters is heat oil to medium hot only and put 3-4 samosas at a time (do not over crowd) they should be submerged in oil.
Allow it to cook for 10 minutes check to make sure its browning evenly(This ensures the samosas stay crisp for longer period of time.)
. Once that is attained then increase heat little bit for even browning reduce heat again remove samosas into a paper napkin and repeat frying until all the batches are over.

Serve hot samosas with 

Hope you like it.


  1. Just love the pics... your daughter is such a nice model... the samosas making me drool, feel like making some one day with onion filling... :)

  2. Oh yum!! I sort of can feel the crispy outer layer.

  3. Looking at the pics, I am tempted to eat some samosas now.. Never tired samosa masala without onions, will try this way next time..

  4. looks delicious, more than samosa we need rain here so send some please.

  5. Tempting one........ your daughter is a good model....... feeling to try this..... :)

  6. loved the cute model dear and she has tempted me so much after dinner,wish I could grab a few off the screen...I have never tried samosas without onions at home though ate them..looks crunchy n yumm :)

  7. One perfect model and an awesome photographer under the same roof ehh.. :).... love the pics

    It's raining here and samosa is all I can think of right now... I love these samosas that has potatoes in it...and not the ones that we get in kerala with beetroot in it....

  8. lovely lovely pics.... dont know if the credit goes to photographer or model :)

  9. Samosa adipoli model is super. I need a few for chaya.


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