Author: Meena Kumar

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Strawberry Rasam / Easy fruit curry

             The other day I ran out of tomatoes and had just some tart ripe strawberries instead. They were beginning to soften too so I made this rasam. Since its tangy curry my daughter will drink it anyway so I went ahead with the trial. Till the end of the meal I did not tell my herd its strawberry and not the usual tomato rasam we make. I wasn't surprised  that no one noticed either esp my daughter because it tasted exactly like tomato rasam. They really liked it.You must be thinking its easy to fool kids.... oh leave alone seeing and finding out she can detect what curry is made from the garage itself .:)). 

I have heard many people saying they dislike tomato peel floating on the curry. Do give strawberry rasam a try I am sure u will like this one better as everything gets mashed up and no peels. Also if you like sweet and sour curries like madhura pachadi with pineapple and grapes or pineapple pickle then u got try this rasam. 
Rasam goes well with rice and other curries.

steps here ... so will believe its strawberries :)

Strawberry - 5-6 medium sized cut into small pieces.
Garlic flakes - 6
Tamarind - 1"ball piece
Pepper corn - 6-8
Jeera / Cumin - 1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/3 tsp
Red chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves - few
Coriander leaves - few say 6-8 strands
Asafoetida / Hing - a small pinch
Sugar - 1/2 tsp (optional)
Salt to taste.

I do not do the seasoning / tadka but you may do it in the beginning or add it in the end.
Mustard - 1 tsp
Whole red chilies -2
Curry leaves
Cooking oil - 2tsp

Crush the pepper and jeera and keep aside.
Dissolve tamarind in hot water give it a good squeeze so it dissolves , keep this ready for rasam.
Heat a pan add 2 tsp of cooking oil add the garlic when it is slightly cooked add the strawberry pieces,turmeric powder,red chili powder, salt pepper and jeera crushed.Give everything a toss. Cover and cook for two minutes. The strawberry will turn mushy immediately add the tamarind water and discard pulp.When the rasam boils add the asafoetida powder and curry leaves. When the raw smell goes off add coriander leaves and sugar switch off flame .Keep it covered until served.
Serve strawberry rasam along with rice and other side dishes.

** A tiny pinch of sugar will balance of all the tartness in the curry its optional but tastes good.

Hope you like it.


  1. How does it taste? Don't you taste strawberry in it? Anyways the Rasam looks just like tomato rasam and I am sure if your daughter didn't detect the difference, its hard for adults to figure it out as kids got more sensitive taste buds.

  2. Thats a wonderful rasam with strawberry.Never added chili powder in rasam ,Have to try.

  3. Looks recipe for me...last week I tried pineapple rasam , will try this strawberry rasam soon...

  4. An innovative recipe.....with rasam....... I must try this different version of rasam..... :)

  5. Reaaly I am so tempted to try this soon... eager to know what it taste. Ah! I am seeing some chicken and coconut pieces too...??!!!

  6. strawberry rasam?? hats off to the innovation and I strongly believe necessity is the mother of invention,angane tomatoes illathathu kondu strawberry rasam try cheyyan patti..adipoli :)

  7. wow! what a radical thinking.. totally new.. love the change though

  8. this is so different recipe, would love to try it out

  9. Straweberry rasam looks delicious.

  10. Seriously, strawberry in rasam??? I am so tempted to try this one soon, just for myself... :)

  11. very innovative Meena... sounds quite tempting :) how u got such an idea ;)

  12. God, that's something really innovative Meena. Can't believe that you can't feel the strawberry taste in it. This has to be tried out for sure, especially as its strawberry season now.

  13. Such a innovative recipe dear!!! Looks too delicious

  14. Walla! What an invention. Rasam is our all time fav - whichever type. I won't say I will try your recipe because I don't berries. Rather expensive over here and not the best ones.

  15. Strawberry in Rasam! very innovative!! would love to try this out, but just for myself. My hubby hates strawberries.

  16. that's an innovative rasam recipe with strawberries.. lovely clicks..

  17. Just saved the recipe meena :) will try soon


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