Author: Meena Kumar

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Strawberry Yogurt Pudding /Eggless Baked Pudding / Without thickening agents

When most women in the world bath in chocolate for dessert and take it to the epitome on Valentine's Day I know there are at least a  few out there who beg to differ and are looking for a breath of fresh air so here is a  simple yet delectable dessert for ending a great meal just for you.

Don't judge me as a chocolate hater but if I was allowed to lean then I would fall head on for dairy based desserts without chocolate of course :) But chocolate lovers I am not going to disappoint you ur classic dessert is on the way please stay tuned.

Sometime back I had posted Bhapa doi which is very similar to this recipe  do check if you are looking for plain pudding without fruit.

Strawberry - 6-8 medium sized chopped
Yogurt-  1 cup ( Go for whole milk to get creamy texture)
Full fat fresh cream - 1 cup (Cut down with whole milk or half and half)
Condensed milk  - 1 cup
Vanilla essence - 1 tsp
Boiling water - 2 -3 cups (for the water bath)


Blend the strawberry into really smooth paste without adding water.
Blend the yogurt, cream and condensed milk too . Mix the strawberry blended into the yogurt mixture mix until combined.
Pour into individual ramekins or into a loaf pan. (Do not grease moulds)
Take a large baking dish and pour the boiling water into it carefully and keep the ramekins or loaf pan into this large baking dish.Take care so the ramekins  does not submerge.
Bake at 350 F for 20-25 minutes until the top is firm yet jiggly on touch. (Do not let edges brown or burn)
Remove ramekins or loaf pan  from water bath .Allow it cool at room temp.
Refrigerate upto a day and decorate as desired while serving.
This dessert can be served warm or chilled too.

Note : The  sourness/tartness of the yogurt and the strawberry affects the texture you are looking in the dessert. So pick sweet berries and no so sour but fresh yogurt for the recipe.

Hope you like it.


  1. mouthwatering dessert,loved the fact that its made without any thickening agents..I had tried a strawberry pudding sometime back but with gelatin..this looks similar to that and its more healthier :)

  2. Indeed a different style of pudding love this........Happy Valentines day :)

  3. Aaah... I would definitely love this! Even I am taking a turn from chocolates, because sometimes too much of it can be boring as well! :P

  4. looks amazing.. I wanted to try this baked yogurt dessert for long time.. But worried only I will eat.. will try soon

  5. i would like to have some meena looks nice and creamy

  6. wow this looks so yummy and innovative!!!

  7. looks inviting.i make a similar one with yogurt and condensed milk . i will try your version the next time.

  8. That last pic is calling me out! I am not a chocolate fan and would any day prefer desserts without chocolate...

  9. Looks good. Perfect for someone like me who don't really enjoy chocs.

  10. Can I use the pressure cooker to make this?

    1. You can use pressure cooker without putting weight or the traditional way of steam cooking like u make South Indian idlis.
      Thank you for stopping by.Do let me know how it turned out.

  11. Strawberry yogurt pudding looks superb...very beautifully presented!!

  12. Strawberry yogurt pudding looks delicious. So creamy and rich..

  13. Love the clicks as always Meena !Looks really yummy ! I really wish I had some strawberries at hand...THanks a lot for stopping at my place,I've been having some health issues so have become even more irregular ! I enjoy watching ur clicks,should give it gets better with each passing day :)

    1. Thank u Reni that was sweet of you.

      Oh get well soon dear.

  14. Nice this kins of desserts..n nice header Meena.


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