Author: Meena Kumar

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Caramel Cheese Cake with Ricotta Cheese - Guest post for Cook Like Priya

Cook Like Priya is a very popular blog run by Priya Ranjit and today I am so glad to do a guest post for this space. I warn you to have some food before u visit her space esp. homesick people like me:) Priya is an expert cook but her South Indian dishes and its varieties are my favorite.

Do you believe in mind reading ? Well I have to... some time back I was just getting acquainted with  Facebook sounds prehistoric I know! :)   I was  seeing some popular bloggers posts and there was Priya's too coming up often . As I was glancing curiously thru Priya's pic  can you guess what happened ... that very moment a chat window opens up and it was Priya  pinging me a hi for the very first time I simply jumped out off my chair.  Seriously!  sitting in two ends of the globe and how did she even know I was thinking of her really that surprises me even today.

Here is a  Cheese cake I made sometime back and it got a really good response from my herd.Read vanished in no time :) ). I have been experimenting since then so this time it is with ricotta cheese and even tried my own crust idea. The caramel and cheese combination is simply to die for.

 As I took out the cake from the fridge for taking pics the caramel was glistening, almost like a star in limelight . I did not want to take away anything from it so I just played along the lines of an unconventional way of presenting a cake with  black and brown in dark and moody tones.
A hand crafted black and brown leather handbag or a printed silk scarf let ur fashion sense run wild :)

Please head over to Priya's space for the rest of the post and recipe by clicking here .


  1. Meena I was smiling ear to ear reading your post. If only I can read minds :-P but getting a compliment from an amazing cook herself is something that will stay with me forever. Love u hugs.

    1. Thank you Priya I donoo know if I am worthy of all the compliments u have showered on me but u certainly know to make my day deary, hugs to u too.

  2. The caramel cheese cake is so droolworthy... Love the captures

  3. Omg, this caramel cheesecake is just torturing me.. Wat a stunning captures.. Wonderful guest post, will check at Priya's space.

  4. Looks Very tempting. Back with a bang. Hoping to Priya.

  5. just came back from reading ur post on priya's place... i wish i was somewhere around to have almost half of that droolworthy cheesecake.... no words about the picture... moody at its best... :)

  6. lovely cheese cake.. Glad to see you back Meena..

  7. what a stunning click Meena.... these type of telepathy.. happens....hahhaha...

  8. thats so tempting.. no doubt it would have vanished in minutes..

  9. Cheesecake looks fabulous and delicious, lovely clicks!

  10. The caramel cheesecake looks divine!!! Loved the mood too :)


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