Author: Meena Kumar

Friday, March 7, 2014

Kumbalangayum Muringakaiyum Mangayum Aviyal / Ashgourd Avial / Guest Post for Cooking with Sapana

This is a guest post for Sapana behl of  Cooking with Sapana. A passionate blogger who can effortless cook any type of cuisine. She has 400 plus recipes to her credit in just one year.
When Sapana asked me for a guest post I was little worried because she has successfully made even chatti pathiri( a typical Kerala dish) which I know most malayalees have not even attempted for the fear of becoming flop. She is a cooking marathon runner who posts two recipes on most days and I feel ashamed to say I find it hard to post two recipes a week :))
So here is a very easy to make aviyal, my favorite one that brings back a lot of fond memories.


Kerala is known for aviyal, a medley of vegetables with crushed coconut.

The traditional aviyal / avial has a lot of different vegetables which is the only one made for feasts.But it can be made with other combinations for everyday meal with seasonal fruits and veggies.The basic rule remains the same of adding raw curry leaves and raw coconut oil as seasoning if someone accidentally does that it is considered grave mistake :)) The mangoes and jack fruit season is like a celebration at our place and used in most dishes made during that time. Jackfruit seed is often used in this aviyal and I don't mind diving into the dish and gobbling them...

Please head over to Sapana's space for the reipe click here


  1. Yummy dear...very happy to see you with nadan recipe....

  2. love all aviyals.. cant wait to c ur way of making them.. rushing to Sapnas space...

  3. I love the combo of veggies esp the drumsticks; getting difficult to find them over here but when I do, its going into the same dish with the same flavors.

  4. Looks absolutely delicious and healthy dear..My fav side dish :)

  5. i love aviyal.this looks fabulous ur pictures...

  6. Thanks Meena for this wonderful guest post . Hugs for you :)

  7. lovely guest post looks amazing..

  8. Heading off eagerly to Sapana's place. Kumbalangayum mangayum in parippu and coconut gravy is awesome. So the same team together in aviyal is going to be super awesome!!!

  9. Omg, wat a beautiful guest post,aviyal is just inviting me..

  10. i have never tried this combo ..... definitely going to try this

  11. Ahh....chatti pathiri...even I have tried but flop ayi poyi...never tried since then... blame me for it (bad idea of having tried it for dinner and having left to have bread and omlet instead, because it got ruined ...he he

    The avial looks so avial anytime...I feel they are so healthy and has got variety of veggies in every bite of it, so I don't get bored of them :)...

  12. You know Meena, I had been searching for an authentic Avial recipe and seeing this post I virtually jumped with joy :P
    Heading over to Sapana's for the recipe.

  13. Lovely guest post by Sapana ; fabulous meal shared :)


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