Author: Meena Kumar

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Awards from blogger friends

It is raining awards at my space.Here are those in the order I received. 
Sona from  QUICK PICKS gave me these two awards:

Ambreen from SIMPLY SWEET 'N' SAVOURY gave me these two awards:



Nilu  from KITCHEN SERENITY gave me this award.

Thank you so much dearies for thinking of me.
I am sure u get an over dose of  ABC about me in my posts :)
Actually I suck at giving out awards so forgive me guys.

                Here are a few miscellaneous pics I took recently.Even though I love bright sunny days to take  food pics slightly foggy days are my favorite when it comes to outdoor pics.Somehow it looks dramatic and my perfect stage is set for imagination.!:))

One day before full moon.

Full moon  on the  hill top after dark. Hope you can see a bench on the right end. I know it looks so unrealistic compared to the earlier pic:)

Hope to hear for you lovely people out there.



  1. Wonderful awards, Meena - and well deserved :) xx

  2. Congrats on the awards dear... love dat first pic... class!!! :)

  3. Congrats on your well deserved awards. pics as usual wowie....

  4. awesome clicks and congrats for all the awards.

  5. Wow many awards ... u r a star

    Love the first pic...with the spider web

  6. Congrats on the rain fall of awards and I am sure more is coming your way. Those are some amazing pictures attached.

  7. Congo on your awards.. Wow.. Pics are awesome I must say!

  8. Congrats Meena. Love the outdoor clicks especially the full moon.

  9. Congrats on the awards dear, u deserve more :) And awesome awesome looking pics.. Lovely it looks the fog & the moon ! U r a great photographer too & dreamy like me :D

  10. Congratulations dear, that's plenty of awards. Thanks for your kind mention. Gorgeous pictures, loved the first one :)

  11. Lovely clicks Meena. That full moon click is awesome. And congrats on all the awards :)

  12. Congrats ! Wishing u many more beautiful awards ! Wonderful Clicks ! I would've loved to read your ABC's :)


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