Author: Meena Kumar

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Watermelon rind pickle / watermelon rind achar with step by step pictures / Summer pickle / Kerala style pickle

Watermelon rind pickle with spice and tang.

No matter what happens pickles never see bad days in my house.So constantly I am running out of pickles but not ideas thankfully.Before you think something is wrong let me tell you this is the fourth batch I am making in a row and  that explains how it tastes:) and not even in their wildest dreams did my herd think I was going to feed them watermelon rinds!!!!:))
 Watermelon rind pickling in brine is nothing new in the West and my kitchen anyway looks like a farm house with watermelons in large, medium ,seedless what the heck in trying right!
The recipe is from nowhere :) I went with regular mango pickles recipe we make at home.

Watermelon with seeds tend to have more rinds than seed less ones.The rind  does not have any flavor that u might be expecting.It is just like cucumber.The rind is like a sponge absorbing flavors and spices we add to it.For that to happen we need to first drain off the water content already present in the rind.I do not like to cook rind but u may shorten the process by  by cooking the rind for a few minutes then draining off the liquid.


Watermelon rind - 1/4 of 1 whole
Lime juice - of 1 whole
Ginger -1 small piece
Garlic - 7-8 flakes
Green chili - 1
Chili powder - 1 tsp
Kashmiri chili powder - 1 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Fenugrek powder - 1/4 tsp
Asafoetida - 1/4 tsp
Mustard seed- 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste


1.Discard the  green peel and the cut off the red part if any left.Cut the rind into small pieces apply 1 tsp of salt ,mix well cover and leave it overnight on the counter .
2 Squeeze off all the water from the rind gently .
3.Coarsely grind ginger garlic and green chili 
4.Heat oil add mustard when it crackles add the crushed masala when the raw smell goes off add all powders give one good mix till the powders are slightly brownish but not burnt switch off flame.
5.At this point add the watermelon rind stir well.Squeeze the lime on it .
Bottle when cool. Refrigerate after two days.

You can start using the pickle from the next day itself..

Hope to hear from u guys:)



  1. Wow loved the 2nd and the last pictures. Oh didn't know you can make pickle of this.. Trying this next time I buy watermelon..:-) Lovely Meena!

    1. Thank you, Rekha.Do try it and I am sure u will like it.

  2. that's a really interesting pickle.. u just don't waste anything, do you.. :) great... :)

    1. Ya right Rafee!!Imagine if I ate at that rate and with that sort of guilt feeling of wastage may be I could become double duty bulldozer someday he hheee;))

  3. Meena, lovely pics and it is going to my to do list.

    1. Sabee,Thank you.Please try it and send me ur feedback

  4. we are also water melon fans.but never had a thought of using its rind:)great idea!!!

  5. New and interesting pickle..Lovely clicks..

  6. haa ha..liked ur above comment to Rafeda. :) and ..this ! a super keeper recipe. bookmarked. definitely a must esp when its getting hotter here,and watermelons are most IN . thanks for sharing, dear.

  7. Never thought about making a pickle with the rind. I make pickles rarely as the Techie is no fan of pickles and the whole thing will end up rather quickly in my tummy :) But you are so tempting me with your pics Meena :)

    1. Priya make a very small batch just for u :)

  8. wow simply awesome pics... sounds new and innovative Meena.. i have watermelon at home, love to try out...

  9. Wonderful pickle ! I never knew that you could make a pickle out of the rind...great clicks :) I'm trying this the next time i lay my hands on a watermelon :)

  10. I suppose the brilliant idea of using the rind though all this time I have been throwing it. Now I know what to do for this pickle is much loved.

  11. Never knew one such pickle is possible because i end up making juice of it with some other fruit with guilt of wasting...thanks for sharing meena

  12. That was something very interesting !! Just this vacation I learnt that you can make upperi out of jackfruit rind.. I thought that was the limit, when you tell me otherwise !! Wonderful Meena, wonderful.. Will try this very soon :)

    1. Hello Chitz so glad to see u back.Ya jackfruit rind is used to make poonj thoran -MIL speciality.It will taste just like non veg dish.

  13. I need this pickle in my life, Meena!

  14. wow what a tangy aachar. simple ingredients but the result is awesome.

  15. Watermelon rind always get thrown into the garbage ! This is news to me indeed. luks great Meena :)

  16. Mind blowing, so innovative, never thought of pickling water melon....amazing hats off to u.

  17. What an interesting post and such a clever idea for a pickle!!! Well done!

  18. Very unique idea of making pickle with watermelon rind! Tempting clicks!

  19. I can't wait to try this interesting recipe... Thanks for sharing Meena :-)

  20. i am always in for quick fixes,u r pickle looks delicious.

    thanks for your lovely comments.


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