Author: Meena Kumar

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Stay tuned

Blogging has been such a beautiful learning experience for me .
It has completely changed my course of thinking and gone much beyond simply recording all that I cook to observing edibles from a whole new perspective .In my quest for fine tuning myself I have met so many lovely people and fortunate enough to connect with some unique and creative human beings  who are in no hurry to bombard web with anything silly enough to call a post but indulge in food blogging in a very soulful way and concentrate on something noteworthy.
Styles are always unique and widely evident in their work.Some speak through their photographs by conveying  a story to the viewer while others play with words ,  topics that one may never imagine to associate with food,  they brilliantly phrase to connect the two. 

How do they establish their mark and leave you always wanting for more ?

How about you,what is your take on food blogs ? Other than recipes is it their speed ,their style,props,... do open your heart on what makes u go back to a blog space over and over .

Do write to me lovely people out there.



  1. Thats a lovely post and promotion.. :-) U r a professional Meena :-)

  2. You right in what you have spoke about. Food is the utmost connection. Some are good in words, some will receive applause for the stunning pictures whereas others are multi-skilled,know how bring in all the important elements.

    1. Thank you ,Nava that is a very valid point.

  3. Hi Meena, Congrats on your award from sweettooth. It is much deserved. As for your question, my answer would be a mix of everything. I can find that mix in your blog and that is why I am in love with it. Hope it helps.

    btw, I don't know much abt pinit. Can you explain it to me?

    Thanks for always stopping by my site.

    1. Sabee,thanks a lot for ur kind words.I am so glad to hear that u like my space.
      About pin it,It is just like any other social media ,catering to images alone. First u need to make a Pinterest account ,then create boards(that is creating categories or albums).Then u can upload ur pics to these albums by going to (top right )add button.U could also repin pics from others album to urs.
      If u r looking for how to add pin it button to ur blog then go to Pinterest make an account then to goodies in that to widgets-make a code,copy paste in ur blog gadget.I took a long time to figure out this.So if u have issues mail me at elephantsncoconuttrees(at)gmail(dot)com.

  4. meena... :) :) good question... i guess it's all about connectivity... u read somebody's blog and u feel a connection, that's where relationships start... just like how i liked ur blog the first time i saw it... keep it rolling, madam... would love to see more of everything from you... :)

    1. Thank you Rafee...ur encouragement means a lot to me.You are so right on the topic connectivity how important it is , a point u have proved it time and again for me:)

  5. Soo true Meena...I'm quite new to this blogging world and am really happy to have come across some wonderful bloggers like you with their creativity and uniqueness.. It really makes me want to come back for more.. Happy blogging Meena.. Will be back soon ;-)

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words,Nilu.U rock with ur daily posts girl! and I envy u for so much patience.

  6. I love Food Blogs that don't mimick others. The ones that have their own voice are usually the most interesting, both in what they produce recipewise and in their choice of presentation - whether it's their use of words or images. I believe that if a blogger (food or otherwise), remains true to themselves, and does not attempt to *fit in*, that they stand out from the crowd. That's what draws me back, as much as the food itself.

    1. Thank you so much for the feedback, Abbe, u have nailed it by touching on the topic uniqueness.

  7. U are a wonderful blogger yourself ! I have been inspired by u a lot, ur pics, the way u keep in touch and the way u tell stories :). I guess it's everything, pics, the writing, being in touch with fellow bloggers and maintaining friendship. I am new in blogging, and wat amazed me is the time and effort ppl take to appreciate each other selflessly ! that really matters I guess !

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words Sree. Very true, blogging is really time consuming if one wants to stay in touch.


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