Author: Meena Kumar

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Raspberry and Chia seed pudding / pudding recipe / Summer recipes

Raspberry and chia seeds pudding is an ideal summer treat that can be served chilled.

Chia seeds get so playful as u try to chew on them .Each seed becomes like a bead and says bite me if u can! Raspberry on on the other hand gives a slight tang against the milky flavor.You may substitute it with milder or sweeter fruits if u like, u may go for coconut milk too but I am such a  milk and condensed milk addict that I had to stay devoted to it .Oh! and  the recipe comes from my stash of loose sheets treasures saved :)

Do u guys believe in thinking alike.. I am so forced to...  Last week  I was surfing and I happen to see this really cute page .Don't u think anything in miniature is really adorable so I made a mental note and thought ,"Daughty is going to love it."
Okay nothing big but if u are impatient like me don't read the recipe skip to end  ! no worries guys :)


Milk -1 1/2 cup
Condensed milk- 1/2 cup
Agar agar /China grass - 10 gms
Water 1 cup
Chia seeds- 2 tbsp ( U may use basil seeds instead)
Raspberry- a few


1.Soak the agar agar for 30 minutes in in 1 cup water in a pan.
2.Boil milk and add condensed milk boil for few more minutes switch off flame and let it cool off completely then add chia seeds in it so that it soaks and expands.
3.Now boil the  agar agar in a low flame until it dissolves completely.Then sieve it and add to the milk .
4.Pour this mixture into ramekins or molds and let it come to almost room temperature then drop few raspberries do not stir .
5.Leave it undisturbed in the refrigerator (not freezer) for at least 4 -5 hours.

Serve in the ramekins as it is or u may  remove from mold by immersing the bottom of the mold in warm water for less than a minute to loosen the pudding from it.


  • chia seeds expand on soaking.
  • Do not disturb agar agar while setting it will not become jelly.
  • Too many fruits make it acidic and that affects the setting of agar agar.U may use gelatin instead for no risk pudding:)

So are you guys ready for fruit picking.. well! I am all set with three pairs of spring  dresses hanging on the clothes line and  a basket too :) Ya ..those came for Mother's Day :) .I can't help but think mother like daughter :)) :))

Okay now go back to the recipe please if u skipped it !:)

Hope to hear from u guys.



  1. Looks very interesting. I love chia seeds in my drink or food. Will try this one. Thanks for sharing.

  2. they look amazing dear...rasberries are my fav

  3. Awee that was a nice gift for mother's day Meena... :-) Oh and that pudding!! I wish I was just a hip n a hop away from you..;) DELICIOUS

  4. Thank you, Rekha.I too wish u were somewhere close by, with all those yummy chicken dishes u make I might never leave ur house:))

  5. Looks delicious.. Can't wait to try.. Thanks for sharing Meena :-)

  6. Delicious and yummy pudding....Happy to follow visit my space Shabbu's Tasty Kitchen

  7. wowish... looks so tempting dear.. beautiful clicks too..

  8. Hi!
    First time at your blog and what a wonderful pudding I came across! Have never seen/used chia seeds though i have heard a lot about them. The pudding is looking beautiful and I totally agree with you that it is an ideal summer treat.

    Happy following your lovely blog :-)

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by. Chia seed is very similar to Tukmaria seeds(Tulsi seed).

  9. The sun is out here (finally), and this looks like the perfect fare to cool us off. Yet another delicious looking recipe, Meena ;-)

  10. Fantastic raspberry pudding.Lucky hubby and daughty :)

  11. oh wow dee... that's such a beautiful looking dessert... chia seeds is new to me... actually it is difficult to find these here... should try this out once i get my hand on to it... love the last two pics... :)

    1. Hey Rafee,u can use tukmaria(the one we use for falooda).Thanky ou so much for stopping by today :)

  12. we go for picking in august here. but the dish looks so temtping.

    1. Oh Linsy that that was a joke hope u got that :).Thank you for stopping by.

  13. What a cute gift for mother's day! The raspberry pudding looks fantastic! Tempting clicks!

  14. very interesting pudding ! very cute and lovely mother's day gift :)

  15. wow what a cool and yummy treat,loved your clicks too..

  16. Love how you write, Meena. And this chia seed in pudding concept has me fascinated. I've wanted to know different ways in which to incorporate this superfood. Love your Mother's day gift. When will you try them on? ;-)

    1. Thank you so much Tisa. Superfoods !that reminds me I have few more stuff thats safely kept.
      He..hee.. wish I could fit into those clothes .

  17. Very creative & innovative recipe!!

  18. Beautiful pics Meena and definitely a super delectable dessert it is :)


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