Author: Meena Kumar

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Coconut chutney powder / Chammanthi podi Kerala style / Nadan Chammanthi podi / Idi Chammanthi

When your taste buds look for the much needed punch this flavorful coarsely powdered condiment / Chammanthi podi comes to the rescue to finish off your meal.


If that is not enough here is the true story behind the chutney powders gaining popularity. A treasure not much valued if you have easy access to chammanthi podi but there are few unlucky souls like me who devour it like there is no tomorrow.Share it only in limited quantities as if it costs millions...

Anyone who works away from home or goes home after a long gap knows how it is to  face the one and only dreaded question ,"eppozha thirichu pokunathu ?(When are you going back?) A mindless question that automatically comes from the milk man to neighbors as if they are eager to send you off. Sometimes the tone itself is enough to annoy! I guess there is no one who would answer it happily, I mean does anyone ever think they are pampered too much at home that they want to leave on an earlier date. As the last day of vacation nears there is a bad feeling , a cramping in the heart ..ohh donoo what else..

As one walks into the kitchen with the heavy heart the bustling activity there kind of distracts the flow of thoughts. Many items in different stages of completion lay scattered on the counters.The rhythmic sounds of scrapping of the coconuts brings heaps of snow like mountains piled up on steel plates in minutes and the wok and ladle begin their part of roasting all the ingredients evenly.The smell of roasted coconuts and spices soon fills the air. A pair of hands constantly stirs it till the mixture turns into deeper shades of brown.Then pounded or powdered to perfection,not too fine and not too coarse to identify which spice bit it is.

Neatly packed loads of pickles,chammanthi podis ,unniappams etc begins go from kitchen to suitcases  and some ready to burst faces holding back tears... everything still blatantly reminds you that you are leaving shortly making every minute seem horrendous.

After long hours of travel and transits one is weary and tired, mind sore with the thoughts of all at home and emptiness soon engulfs.With the missed days of daily commitments to catch up the physical weariness wards off  fast yet homesickness is such an unpleasant feeling which leaves only after  many days of reaching home away from home.Every time you dig into these packets of goodies brought from home u wish ...wish u got it fresh every time u wished for it.Tell me honestly, is this not your story too...
 This post is not for the hearts to ache more but to say you are not alone.There are some foods that speak a lot to us even when we don't want them to.. don't you feel so .Anyway...Nags from  Edible garden's recipe for cooking together inspired me to bring my picture to plate.Though her recipe suggests to use small onion and ginger, it  is never used in the usual packets I bring but I decided to give onions a try and it tasted very good I must say.


Grated coconut- 2 cups (really dry coconut is used)
Whole red chilies- 10 -12 or as much as u want
Small onion/ cheriya ulli - 6-8(cut into small pieces)
Urad dal/Uzhunnu parippu- 2 tsp
Black pepper corns- 1 tsp
Asafoetida / Kaayam- 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves - 2 sprigs
Tamarind - a small lime size
Salt to taste


1. In a wide heavy bottom pan dry roast the coconut ,chilies,small onion,curry leaves, urad dal,pepper corn till the coconut becomes deep brown stirring it constantly till it is done.
2.Add asafoetida ,salt and tamarind to the mixture and let it cool.
3.Coarsely powder it and store it in air tight container.

It can be used immediately along with bland curries such as paripu curry ,moru curr or curd rice etc...
Will stay good for a month in room temperature.If u are making large quantities then it can be refrigerated but once refrigerated bring only small amount to room temperature and use it fast.


  • The mixture should be roasted without adding any oil .
  • It should be stirred  constantly to get an even coloring and not a speck should get burnt which will alter the taste.
  • Play around with the dry spices you like ,instead of whole of whole chilies chili powder can be added but only towards the end ( just before switching off the flame ) .
  • You could roast coconut to blackish brown color ,I dislike the taste of that so I stop roasting when it is deep brown.
  • This is a super spicy powder so use only a tablespoon max..per serving.
Let me know if u liked this chammanthi podi .



  1. Meena, I love these pics :) Chammanthi Podi is fav of ours, more of the Techie than mine...And our supply of it comes from my Dad's sister. The recipe is slightly different though. Your's sound so good :)

    1. Thank you Priya,do let me know what other ingredients do u add.

    2. Super tempting chammanthi podi. Nice clicks

  2. Yep, being away from home makes me miss such delicious condiments. I am taken up by this chutney powder and wish I have some at home because this can come into my meal, with practically anything eaten together. It's flavorful as a stand alone but as you have suggested, one or two teaspoon as extras into other dishes will be inviting too.

  3. looks yummy... love to eat it with hot rice and ghee :-)

    1. Hey Meena.. Please collect your Liebster award from me,

  4. sound yummy with lovely clicks dear...

  5. Lovely post dear.. I am really missing home now after reading this.. Yes.. Every word of it is true.. Especially the question, 'Eppola thirichu pone???' I hate that.. Anyways, Have to say, ur pics are xtraordinary.. Loved it..

  6. Nava,Chitz,Preeti,Nilu,Beena thank you so much dearies.

  7. Looks awesome. I am like your blog. I am happy to follow you.

  8. My mom makes this so much. I love your clicks and ofcourse the podi is a killer. Feel like grabbing it.

  9. meena... u hit the bull's eye!!! when people ask that dumb question, i just snobishly tell them, 'pokaan thenneya vannathu!!!' especially if it's people who i cannot stand!!! the chammanthi podi looks amazing, reminds me that mine is pending... hmmm... to be made soon, i'm running out of time!!!

  10. Oh wow, Meena - your photographs are so beautiful that I just want to stick my head in the jar and inhale!

  11. looks delicious and awesome clicks !
    You have a great blog,very happy to follow you :)

  12. Hi

    I tried this but I have a problem.When I add tamarind it is not mixing up with the powder.It can see as small balls in the poder. Can I add soak the tamarind and add that water?

    Simmy dubai

    1. Hi Simmy,
      Try powdering the tamarind pieces first then add the rest and powder all together.Use older tamarind if available which will be really dry.As soon as the dry roasting is over put the tamarind in the coconut mixture by tearing into pieces that way all the moisture should dry with the heat.If the tamarind u have is moist leave it open on the counter for two days to dry before u make the chammanthi podi.
      Do not soak tamarind because all the rest of the mixture will absorb all the water.
      The whole purpose of dry roasting all the ingredients to make chutney powder is to keep it for many days without spoiling.Hope that help:)
      Simmy ,thank you for dropping by.If u have any more queries do not hesitate to write back to me I will be happy to assist.

  13. Thanks for the recipie! Will bug you for more ideas. Thanks

  14. ooh Meena !!! felt touched the way ur have writen it. Yes..we all go thru it. And to think the efforts our parents and relatives take to pack us anything /somehting or the other..ahndmade..home much ever be the refforts they have to take...just make us realize how loved we favourite of all podis..this one. (y) (y)


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