Author: Meena Kumar

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Baked Salmon / Baked fish with Kerala masala

Salmon with right amount of spice, heat , a hint of lime and baked to perfection is when a seafood lover says "awesome " 

I love to spend Spring mornings lazing on the patio,the view isn't bad either.Flowering trees and more trees  as far as the eyes can see,birds chirruping ....the location is perfect to sing a duet . As I stood there  day dreaming  a voice from behind interrupted my wandering thoughts asking ,"Shall I cook lunch?" I nodded whole heartedly and sighed a breath of relief thinking what a blessed morning! or in other words double awesome :))

Such surprises  happen only once in a while  but the dishes he makes are really tasty I have to admit that. Don't believe me then here are a few pics I took while the chef was busy! I had hard time asking him in between focusing on pics,"what did u add now ,how much ?"
I have posted his successful recipes earlier too check  Thanksgiving recipes .


Salmon fillets- 3 cut into two
Fish masala - 2 tsp ( Nirapara fish masala was used )
Pepper powder- 1sp
Kashmiri chili powder- 1 tsp
Turmeric powder-1/4 tsp
Lime  juice- 1/2 of one whole
Garlic powder- 1/2 tsp
Olive oil- 3 tsp
Salt to taste


1.Wash and cut each fish fillet into two .
2 Mix all the powders and lime juice sprinkling lil water to just wet it and marinate the fish pieces well with ur lovely hand and let the flavors sink in for at least an hour.
3.On a greased tray put the fish pieces on a single layer without any over lapping.
4.Bake the fish at 400 ° F for first 15 mts. Turn fish pieces once and brush the top of the pieces with the olive oil.Another 10 mts then put off the oven.Check if done or may be another 5 mts.Do keep an eye or the whole house will stink if it is burnt :))
If it is browning too much then reduce temperature to 350° F . When cooked remove from the baking tray and keep it covered with aluminium foil loosely to trap the steam and make it juicy and moist.
Serve immediately with salads ,veggies and any bread.
with cheese and herb filled Mini sweet peppers.

  • Over baking can result in stiff,dry and chewy fish.
  • Leaving the fish in the oven after cooking also leads to drying from the oven heat.
  • Fish tastes best when it is shiny, succulent and juicy with the spice .

How to know if the fish is cooked:
When the said time is over and all the marinated masala has  almost dried up .Use a fork and gently press on the edge of a piece.If the piece falls apart easily and looks flaky and not raw and jiggly then it is done.

Let me know if u liked Baked Salmon recipe.


This post is going to Rafeeda's blog event


  1. WOW Meena that looks perfectly baked and delicious... Lucky you indeed!

    Great pictures too.:-)

    1. Rekha ,thank you..wish such food surprises happened more often :))

  2. Enjoyed reading your intro, than the list of ingredients and finally the fabulous outcome of the salmons.

  3. Salmon is always a welcome surprise here A slather of masala and baked to brown, it is just like you said, awesome. Lovely pictures, Meena.

  4. this looks absolutely delicious meena... n when it's their touch, definitely it takes it to a different level.. i guess it's time to ask my hubby when he's going to cook next... even i love the way he puts so many things in randomly and comes up with awesome meals... :)

    1. I always wish I could cook like these men ! :))

  5. Perfect...delicious. .

  6. Loved reading this post Meena.. Thanks for sharing dear :-)

  7. Hehe.. that was a cool cool intro.. I too love it when my better half cooks for the day !! And awesome clicks.. Looks very nice.. And I love the way u have changed ur space's outlook.. Very international look now :)

    1. Chitz,thanks dear oh and the international look thanks for the compliments :)

  8. Oh wow, that is so sweet! The Baked Salmon looks great Meena :)

  9. very tempting n luks so spicy n hot..its regualar food in my home....

  10. That looks incredible...feel like grabbing some from the screen, quite tempting in fact. Good job. :)

  11. Looks so delicious...will try out First time here...happy following you and you have a great space...when free drop into my space and will be encouraging if you follow back

  12. Oh my goodness me, this looks like heaven on a plate, Meena. I wish my man could cook. The only time he's ever bothered I'm fairly sure he was trying to kill me ;)

  13. Wow baked salmon looks super tempting and yum :) I can finish it all in seconds :D

  14. Lovely recipe, perfectly baked and looks delicious!

  15. very very tempting, Meena. nice presentation too. drop by my new blog - pick quicks when u get the time...glad if u wud be a follower there as well.

  16. looks so awesome....lovely clicks...

  17. That was so sweet ! Need to show this to ma boy ;) . baked salmon looks yum !

    1. Thank you ,Shree,hope to see the dish he makes for u.

  18. Looks really yummy & heathly....


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