Author: Meena Kumar

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Past few days my blog has been moving in a new direction with 10 people joining me . I am truly amazed by these individuals whom I have never met  or spoken to can be so kind to to me with words of encouragement.It really motivates me and I thank them from the bottom of my  heart.
There is not one bit of exaggeration when I say that all the credit of bringing them here goes to Rafeeda of The Big Sweet Tooth.I cannot thank her enough for her efforts and thoughtfulness.

I feel the followers never get the due recognition they ought to get even though they spend their valuable time to acknowledge a blogger's efforts.So here are the bloggers that made the difference in my otherwise silent space.
Do read these blogs only when u have some time to spare because they do have a lot of interesting recipes you might want to try out .

1.The Big Sweet Tooth
2.Cooking in Mommy's shoes
3.My Food Express
4.The Humpty Dumpty Kitchen
5 .Ammi Rasoi
6.From My Own Kitchen
7.My Food Treasures
9.Kitchen Delicacies
10.Uma Shankar

Rafeeda of  The Big Sweet Tooth  and Naaz Mateen of Ammi Rasoi  gave me Libster awards with in two days that makes me even more excited.

Guys please bear with me until I figure out the rest of the award rules but I will come back and  update it soon.

Update- 21/3/2013

Nisha from   MY FOOD EXPRESS has given me this award. Thank you so much dear!



  1. Congrats on your award. I know how much excited you are. Wishing you many more happiness through blogging. Keep up the good work always and I am sure people will come here for more.

  2. hey meena... thank u so much for the mention... you are such a sweetheart...

  3. congrats on your have a lovely blog...hope you go a very long way..thanks a ton for linking my blog here...putting effort and hard work on something good won't go waste...

  4. U have a really awesome space dear.. Good looking pictures and a nice presentation.. And it was very great of Rafeeda to have introduced you again to many of us.. I have bookmarked some of your recipes.. Will let you know after I try them :)

  5. Congratzz meena.Happy to share another Liebster award with you :)Hee hee :)

  6. Lovely recipes and I was so impressed with the recipes. Congrats on the awards.

    1. Hi Navaneetham ,
      Thank you so much.You made my day .

  7. Love your recipes Meena.. You truly deserved the award :-)


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