Author: Meena Kumar

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hummus and whole wheat chips / Baked whole wheat chips

Hummus ,the ancient Middle Eastern food has become the most popular dip around the world.It goes along with bread as a spread too.Here I wanted a starter so made some whole wheat crackers to go along with hummus.The pair did really well :)

Ingredients for Hummus:
Chick peas / Garbanzo beans- 1-1 and 1/2 cups soaked overnight .Pressure cook it till soft drain off water.(If u are feeling lazy go for a 15 oz can :)
Sour cream- 2 tbsp
Lemon juice- 1 tbsp
Garlic flakes- 1 crushed or garlic powder- a pinch
Olive oil- 1-2 tbsp
Paprika - a pinch (I used chili powder cos I wanted some heat)
Tahini sauce- 1 tbsp (click on tahini for the recipe)
Salt to taste

Pulse the Chick peas a few times in a blender or food processor when it is crumbled enough then add the rest of the ingredients and  grind to paste . The recipe can be played around with by increasing or decreasing  ingredients to suit to ur taste.
For decorative purpose put the hummus into serving container drizzle some olive oil on top and some paprika .

Baked !!! 

There is my hungry herd diving in before I could take a decent shot ! :))

Ingredients for Crackers
Whole wheat flour - 2 cups
Veg oil- 1 -2 tsp
Chili powder- 1/4 tsp 
Salt to taste

1.Mix the ingredients and knead to a pliable dough.Let it rest for 20 mts.
2.Take small portions roll into ball then spread with rolling pin to a thin flat one with the help of some more wheat flour.
3.Heat a pan/griddle and cook to 3/ 4 then cut it into equal triangles say 8 pieces.
4.Transfer it to a greased and lined  cookie tray .Spread  a single layer no overlapping.
5.Brush a thin coat of oil if u like.

Put it on a preheated oven to 350°F for 10 mts maximum but keep on eye O.K !don't blame me if the alarms start ringing :)) meaning don't burn it!One peek into the T.V and I successfully managed  to burn a batch he... heee..

Turn once may be after 5 mts. Aiming for crispy crackers.
Serve it along with Hummus .They taste so good.

Let me know if you liked it



  1. Love love love hummus, can't wait to try this! Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. Nilu,so sweet of u to encourage me often.

  3. Hi
    Just the other day I happened to bump into ur blog and tried ur hummus recipe n also tahini its come out wow exactly like the ones am use to having here in the arabic restaurants. thank you for the lovely recipe keep going...

    1. Thank you so much Manju I am so glad to know it came out well. You made my day!


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