Author: Meena Kumar

Monday, November 26, 2012

Bok choy and cabbage clear soup / Soup for the sick / Low cal winter soup

Cabbage clear soup is ideal to have after days of heavy feast holidays .Cabbage boiled is great tasting i know you must be thinking ,"Whattt is wrong with her?"Honestly it tastes really good if u are courageous enough to try it.This one with the bok choy /Chinese cabbage brings an interesting twist and mellows the cabbage's taste.

My herd :) is big on greens so soup is like a soul mate with us in sickness and in health !!!


Cabbage-1/4 of 1 small .Cut into big pieces say 2 inch
Bok choy- 1 or 2 cut into small pieces
Carrot-1 cut into thin strips say match sticks
White onion- 1/2 of one cut into thin slices
Chili flakes-1/2 tsp
Sesame seeds- 1 tsp
Garlic-3 or 4 cut into rounds
Ginger- 1 inch piece julianned
Basil leaves- 1tsp(powdered with the palms of ur hand)
Spring onion-2 
Pepper powder-1 tsp
Salt to taste


1.Heat oil- tsp add ginger, garlic and sesame seeds .As the garlic's raw smell goes off add chili flakes,onion carrot and saute till  slightly tender then turn in cabbage and bok choy  saute well on high heat for a minute then reduce flame  add salt ,basil and pepper, pour water (1 cup per serving)and bring it to a bubbling boil.

2.Remove from flame .Keep it closed until served.
Season with spring onions .

3.Vinegar in which chili (cut into round)  is soaked can be given as a side to be poured on top of the soup just before drinking the soup for added flavor but this is totally optional.Use only a tsp or two .
Serve the piping hot .


If u are not familiar with bok choy ,try it as it does not have cabbage taste or smell ,it leans more towards greens may be like spinach and celery,crunchy etc...
You can use peas for some color.Just boil along with other vegs.
U could play around with the spices too.Throw in anything that suits ur palate.
I like to have the soup really spiced up and inviting oh ya really hot and till it is served ,as u can see in the pic :)

Have this soup when u are feeling stuffy in the winter evenings.
You will feel better when the nostrils open, u will feel warm  and I don't want to say this but ur stomach will feel clean the next morning :))

Cheer up.Hope to hear from u.


1 comment:

  1. Following you...:) Please participate "In my veg box- cabbage" event at my page


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