Author: Meena Kumar

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pineapple achar / Pineapple pickle

Pineapple pickle is made using red chili powder ,so you can expect some heat but more towards the sweet and sour kind.Ideal for serving along with biriyani or  heavy masala dish.

You know me love for pickling fruits ! ! So this time it is with pineapple .This is a very easy recipe just like the Instant mango pickle and can be used almost immediately.I happen to see this recipe on and decided to give it a try in my own way :).I really liked it hence I am posting the recipe here.Hope people who love pineapple will surely tryout .

I have been making the achar very often but never get to take pics.I recently took few steps pics but the final pics here look yellowish as that was my first attempt two years back. So please adjust chili powder accordingly.


Pineapple-1/2 of one medium sized pineapple(cut into small pieces)
Garlic-7-8 flakes
Ginger- a small piece (julienne)
Green chili-1 (cut into round)
Red chili powder- 1 tsp
Turmeric powder-1/4 tsp
Asafoetida- 1/4 tsp
fenugreek podwer 1/4 tsp
Mustard seeds- 1/2 tsp
Vinegar-2 tsp
curryleaves-a few
Salt to taste
Sugar- 1 tsp(optional)


1.Marinate the pineapple with salt and sugar and keep it aside for 1/2 hr.Then squeeze out the water and keep it separately.Be careful not to break or mush up pineapple pieces.I skipped the sugar and the pickle  was fine.

2.Heat a pan with around 2 tsp oil add mustard let it crackle the add garlic ginger green chili and curry leaves saute ,let the raw smell go then reduce flame and all the powders and wait a minute  till the red chili turns slightly brown then add vinegar and pineapple water let it come to a boil then put off flame and turn in the pineapple pieces.

3.Put it in a clean bottle when cool and use same day.


I recommend making only small batches.
Use it up fast as the pineapple is not cooked so it can go bad in my house pickles never see a bad day :) they are really fast moving...
I make pickles all year round and always on the look out for something new.
If you have any fruit pickling ideas and would not mind sharing it with me do send it to me...


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