Author: Meena Kumar

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Kalakand /Milk sweet

Kalakand is a milk based sweet very easy to put together.Two different milk products are combined and solidified . 

Kalakand has a grainier texture with milk solids rolling on your taste buds with every bite.Unlike the original recipe this one  gets over in a jiffy because  the whole milk is substituted  with the condensed milk without any sacrifice on taste.If you look at the recipe you will notice I have not used sugar ya ya...condensed milk has it!!!


Condensed milk -1 tin
Paneer / Cottage cheese- 15 oz
Cardamom-4 (powdered)
Cashew,Almond-roughly chopped-1 tbsp


1.Take a wide mouthed non stick pan and empty the condensed milk into it.
2.Crumble the cottage cheese and add it.
3.Stir constantly till the whole thing mixes well and dries up kind of scrambled .

4.Towards the end add cardamom mix well and level it into a square container and spread the nuts slightly press it into the kalakand .Let it cool for half an hour or so and cut into required shape then let it cool completely then what?
Sit back on the most comfortable couch and enjoy this rich goodness.
I bet you will love it.
Doesn't seem to be equal pieces  ya the nuts made it like a rocky road... :))

Many sweets  made in India are out of milk which sometimes have slight variations in textures and method of making .Kalakand is believed to be one of the oldest sweet and the process  of making  it is pretty lengthy, as a lot of effort(constant stirring) also goes in to solidifying the milk . 

 Kalakand originated in Northern parts of India Braj to be precise , 
land of Lord Sri Krishna .I wonder how the recipe would have originated ,the gwalas(cowboys) would have panicked about excess milk and worried about it getting spoilt or  their sweet tooth would have driven them to come up with Kalakand ...what do you think?? 



Cook on a low to medium heat only as it might get burnt or with too much the color might also change.

Each piece should be airy light and should have at least 1 inch height .You may ask me then why does the Kalakand I made look thin well...I wanted to spread as much as I could because it reduces the intake at a time on each piece.... I know ..I know ...what you are thinking :))Say something good ok... :)


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Perfect kalakand.. Thanks for sharing Meena :-)


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