Author: Meena Kumar

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Traditional British bread and butter pudding / Bread pudding (easy)

Bread and butter pudding is one of the easiest to put together.Serve it warm on cold day and you can see a silent thank you on the other person's face.

Bread is moistened and baked again that is all.Don't you think it is worth giving a try .Why say no to some good compliments coming your way without too much effort???


Bread slices- 8 to 10 (stale and firm)
Butter - 1/2 stick at room temperature
Sugar- 1/2  to 3/4 cup
Egg-1 beaten well
Milk-1 cup
Cinnamon powder or vanilla extract for flavoring-1/4 tsp

Raisins- One small hand full or as much as you want..(I usually take a mix of black and golden ones)  


1.Grease a bread loaf pan with butter.

2.Warm the milk in microwave for a minute put the sugar in it and it will dissolve easily ya ..u need to stir too :).Without over beating add the  whisked egg to it .The flavoring like cinnamon and vanilla extract also.

3.Cut the bread pieces into two horizontally .Apply butter on both  sides of each piece and carefully put it into the loaf pan arrange well and insert the raisins into all the gaps, nooks and crannies.

Evenly then pour the liquid mixture on top of it slowly press the bread if it starts to float.Keep this aside for half an hour.The bread will  soak up all the liquid .

 Sprinkle the top with some sugar for extra brown caramel color and few left over raisins too.I do not recommend too many on top as it becomes bitter tasting and dry with heat.Brush the top with butter remaining on the butter paper :).

4.Bake it in a preheated oven at 350 ° F for 45 minutes till the  pudding rises well but the inside is still soft but cooked. 
Cut into big pieces and serve it warm.


I don't like too much of eggy flavor so I use only one egg but if u don't bother about it then add one more egg for a fluffier pudding.

I have reduced sugar as the pudding tastes good when it is less sweet but u see my daughty likes it with a dollop of  cold condensed milk on top .There u go it is double sweet..

I find that the many people like to tear bread into tiny pieces for bread and butter pudding,that looks unappealing to me. I rather choose  to make it look like a weave that way when you take a slice you see marbled effect.I know !...trivial details... but looks pretty.

To get weaved effect put one top piece next to one bottom piece.Keep doing it till the end like you see in the picture.If u want a real basket weave look cut each slice into four ,color coordinate in one light then one dark ,alternate and arrange and tightly pack then bake as above.

Hope to hear from you.


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