Author: Meena Kumar

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Easy sugar cookies

One night as I was cleaning up the kitchen counter and getting ready to sleep here comes my girl saying,"Mom! I have to take something for girls luncheon.'' ''When???"I asked naa..kind of it was a sudden plan.

She tells me," tomorrow!"..Ok now my eyes are wide awake .
"what??? take what???"

Anything Mom goes the conversation..phew...
Had I not stumbled upon this recipe I don't know what would have rescued me..Mornings are too short to hunt for eatables in the store don't you think so?


Pie crust dough-1 box (will have 2  packs of dough)
sugar to sprinkle on the counter and on the dough


1.Thaw the dough (only as per the instruction on the package).  

2.Spread little bit of sugar on the work surface then spread the dough sprinkle some sugar all over it roll it back tightly .Mark the thickness u want for the cookies and cut into rounds .I prefer using my scissors for this as it prevents the dough from loosing the shape and flatten out.
3.After all the cookies are cut wet the end of each cookie and stick it back so that while baking it will not become a loose swirl.

4.Preheat oven to 350 F and bake on an ungreased cookie sheet keeping enough space in between them to expand.Bake for 10 to 12 minutes.
Turn once in the middle of baking.
Until it is crisp and the dough is done.


Keep an eye or it will get burnt.Don't add too much sugar as it will melt and burn the bottom and affects taste too..
When cool store in air tight jars.
One box makes around 3o sugar cookies .Let me tell you they won't puff up like puff pastry so don't expect it to become huge.The sugar cookies are tiny and cute.
"Tell me how it is ,will you??"I told my girl.
She comes home and she says my teacher loved the Sugar Cookies so I let her have the whole bag to take home.I am really so glad she liked it.From then on Sugar Cookies regularly made  appearance in the lunch box .Now its your turn to let me know how it is ,will you??  Smileys


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